António Franco Alexandre is one of the greatest voices of contemporary Portuguese poetry in the last thirty years. Books such as ‘Duende’, ‘Uma Fábula’ and the most recent ‘Aracne’ bring together an artisan’s perfection with such an original vision of the world (simultaneously erudite, ancestral, contemporary) that they would suffice to keep an entire literature alive.
Bernardo Pinto de Almeida
António Franco Alexandre was born in Viseu, Portugal. From 1962 until 1969, Alexandre lived in Toulouse, France, studying mathematics. From there, he moved to the United States for a time to continue his studies. He received a BSc in Mathematics from Harvard University and a PhD from the University of Lisbon. In 1971, he moved to Paris. Following the 1974 Revolution, he returned to Portugal. Since 1975, he has taught philosophy at the University of Lisbon.
Poetry books since 2000: Uma Fábula (2001), Duende (2002), Aracne (2004), Poemas (2022).