Owner of a totally singular voice, Ricardo Tiago Moura builds poems in which the formal attention to the poem’s stain, the space the word occupies on the empty page, is evident. His poetry is never too thematically removed from the parody or political deconstruction of everyday discourse. He is, undoubtedly, the poet of my generation who most interests me.
Ricardo Marques
Ricardo Tiago Moura was born in Coimbra and lives in Denmark. Besides being a writer he is also a collage artist.
Poetry books since 2000: Poetry books since 2000: Um gato para dois (2013) [2ª ed. 1 gato para 2, Lisboa: não (edições), 2015], Epístolas a D. (2013) [2ª ed. Copenhaga: Zazie Edições, 2018], Espaço aéreo, São Paulo (2014) [2ª ed. Londres: Carnaval Press, 2017]; pequena indústria (2016); Controlo de qualidade (2017), Cruzes (2018), Política (2020), (Sr) Estrôncio (2020).