Armando Silva Carvalho was born by the wildest Atlantic coast. His lyricism is not an easy one. He is a poet of hardness and harshness, of fully acknowledged beauty and of desire. In his poetry there is the sea and the world. Sun, love, pain, hunger and wonder go through it.
Maria Andresen
Armando Silva Carvalho (1938-2017) was born in Olho Marinho, Óbidos, north of Lisbon, and had a Law degree from the University of Lisbon. Throughout his life he worked as a lawyer, a teacher and in advertising. He was a poet, a novelist, an essayist, a translator and a contributor to several newspapers and literary magazines.
Poetry books since 2000: Lisboas – roteiro Sentimental (2000), Três Vezes Deus (in collaboration with Ana Marques Gastão and António Rego Chaves) (2001), Elena e as mãoes dos homens (2004), Sol a sol (2005), O Amante Japonês (2008), Anthero Areia & Água (2010), De Amore (2012), A sombra do mar (2015), O país das minhas vísceras (2021).