Diogo Vaz Pinto’s poetry stands out by achieving the voice of a personal universe, and possesses a remarkable power to magnify not only individual but also generational memories which are full of meaning and emotion. Thanks to a language that grasps an intense transfiguring capacity, Diogo’s writing also manages a descriptive breath which, intertwined with narrative, acquires a magnetism and a resonance that are uncommon in most poetry of his generation.
Fernando Pinto do Amaral
Diogo Vaz Pinto lives in Lisbon, studied Law, and was one of the editors of the literary magazine Criatura, where several of his poems have been published. He currently works as a journalist.
Poetry books since 2000: Nervo (2011), Lobos (with David Teles Pereira e Golgona Anghel) (2013), Ultimato (2018), Aurora para os cegos da noite (2020), O cerco dos animais que juram (2022), Sombra selvagem (2023).