José Agostinho Baptista’s poetry, a destiny fulfilled with fervour and dedication, walks hand in hand with an ever present introspection which questions both the poet and God. When the poet walks the valley of shadow, that valley will have such an intense light, it will be wondrous.
Isabel Aguiar
José Agostinho Baptista was born in the island of Madeira. Besides being a poet, he is a renowned journalist and translator of the works of major poets, such as Whitman, Yeats, Tennessee Williams, Tagore, David Malouf among many others. He lives in Lisbon.
Poetry books since 2000: Biografia (2000), Afectos (2002), Anjos caídos (2003), Esta voz é quase o vento (2004), Quatro luas (2006), Filho pródigo (2008), O Pai, a Mãe e o Silêncio dos Irmãos (2009), Caminharei pelo Vale da Sombra (2011), Epílogo (2019).