Maria Teresa Horta’s poetry doesn’t come from quietude nor does it provoke it; the reader will have to experience its burning, for its body advances like a hallucinating living force that simultaneously retreats into its origin. One might conceive her poems as cosmic matter, an erotic and circular route within the blood system, the bleeding rose opening at times into the multiple petals of a baroque metaphor.
Ana Marques Gastão
Maria Teresa Horta was born in Lisbon. After finishing a degree in literature in the University of Lisbon, she became a journalist and later on was a prominent frontrunner in the Portuguese feminist movement. She wrote for several newspapers and magazines. She published her first poetry book in 1960, followed by many others, as well as several works of fiction and drama. She sadly died in February 2025.
Poetry books since 2000: Inquietude (2006), Poesia Reunida (which includes 18 poetry books) (2009), A Dama e o Unicórnio (2013), Anunciações (2016), Poesis (2017), Estranhezas (2018) e a antologia Eu sou a Minha Poesia (2019).