We often find the poem set against the world in Miguel Martins’ work. As if we were witnessing an acidic autobiography being spat in the face of days. Nevertheless, this gesture of obstinate hostility allows itself to be interspersed by straight forward, captivating, sexual gentleness. His is not an ambivalent voice but a sure one which has no qualms about making itself heard.
Vasco Gato
Miguel Martins was born in Lisbon, where he lives. He has published poetry, essays, short stories, a novel and songs.
Poetry books since 2000: Atol (2002), Cirrose (2003), Penúltimos Cartuchos (2008), O taberneiro (2010), Proibida a entrada a animais (excepto cães-guias) (2010), Lérias (2011), A metafísica das T-shirts brancas (2012), Um homem sózinho (2012), Fôlego sem folga (2012), Cãibra (2012), Cotão (2014), pince-nez (2016), São Miguel da Desorientação (2020), Do lado de fora (2021), Ferro em brasa (with Filipe Homem Fonseca, 2021).