Pedro Tamen is fundamentally concerned with the weaving of poetics and reality, with the fulfilment of the gap (and meaning) experienced along the dubious borders between these neglected areas.
Vasco Graça Moura
Pedro Tamen has lived in the countryside, south of Lisbon, since 2000, when he retired from being a Member of the Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He published his first poetry book in 1956 and published profusely thereafter. He received many prizes for his poetry. He also received major prizes for his prose translations, the latest being for Marcel Proust’s À la Recherche du Temps Perdu. He passed away, sadly, in July 2021.
Poetry books since 2000: Memória Indescritível (2000), Honey and Poison: Selected Poems (2001), Retábulo das Matérias, Poesia 1956-2001 (2001), Caronte e Memória (prefacio de Carlos Nejar) (2004), Analogia e Dedos (2006), O Livro do Sapateiro (2010), Um teatro às escuras (2011), Rua de nenhures (2013), Retábulo das matérias (2018).