In a few years, Ricardo Marques has defined an autonomous space in Portuguese poetry, creating a reflective and intimate discourse, which seeks to see the present through an interpretation of the past, as the hidden source of a “profound art of living”.
Gastão Cruz
Ricardo Marques (Sintra, 1983) is a poet and translator, having brought to Portuguese Anne Carson, Billy Collins and Patti Smith, among others. He also organized, in 2019, an anthology on European Futurist poetry. In 2021, he published the anthology ‘Já não dá para ser moderno’ (Flan de Tal), where he proposes the reading of six Portuguese poets of his generation. His latest book is a personal anthology of his poems, ‘Desiderio’ ((não) edições, 2022) on the theme of desire, love and lust. In 2023 he received a state grant to write a new book.
Poetry books since 2000: Eudaimonia (2012), Servidões (2013), Bucólica (2014), Didascálias (2014), Metamorphoses (2015), Ruinenlust (2016), A noite (2017), Lucidez (2019), Desiderio (2022).