He placed a bet on the fragility of the outer cover.
Into the post box he dropped the fragile envelope

in which poems were kept.
They would be covering the harsh distance

as well as enforcing compliance with the death
of all certitudes, the imprecision

of the addresses, the not so clear outlines
of memory, the babbling of someone

who is still looking for the music
that inhabits, that must inhabit the end

of the journey. In an ocean of letters,
reckonings and tax returns, he dropped

the poems written during those years
disturbed by a dark current

in which pain was nevertheless absent,
as if he had conquered the lyrical distance,

the plumb line of a life
as condemned as any other.
He then mingled with the afternoon
crowds along the avenue, and his day

became comfortable.

© Translated by Ana Hudson, 2010



Apostou na fragilidade do invólucro.
No marco deixou o frágil envelope

onde se guardavam poemas.
Iriam cumprir a dura distância

e fazer cumprir também a morte
de todas as certezas, a imprecisão

das moradas, os contornos menos claros
da memória, o balbuciar de quem

procura ainda a música
que habita, deve habitar o termo

da viagem. Num oceano de cartas,
dívidas e tributos, deixou cair

os poemas escritos durante aqueles anos
perturbados por uma escura corrente

de onde se ausentava porém a dor,
como se tivesse conquistado a distância lírica,

o fio de prumo de uma vida
tão condenada como outra qualquer.
Misturou-se depois com a multidão
da avenida em fim de tarde, e fez-se-lhe

confortável o dia.

in Riscava a Palavra Dor No Quadro Negro, 2010