In its perfected wild silence, Ana Hatherly’s poetic work is an epiphany, a thought that rises from the page. Being the creator of an architectural imagery between music sheets and choreographies, Ana is a Diogenes of modern times who has abandoned the barrel for the pen. Poet-painter, her writing is swift, stained-glassed water.
Ana Marques Gastão
Ana Hatherly was born in Porto and died in Lisbon on August 5th 2015. Poet, painter, essayist, film maker, she started her literary career in the early 1960s, having since published a large number of books of poetry, translated not only into the main European languages but also into Japanese and Chinese, as well as essays and fiction. A graduate of Lisbon Classical University and a PhD from the University of California in Berkeley, she was Emeritus Professor of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa of which she was a founding member. She was also Chair of the Portuguese PEN Club.
Poetry books since 2000: Um Calculador de Improbabilidades (2001), O Pavão Negro (2003), Itinerários (2003), Fibrilações (2005), Idade da Escrita e outros poemas (2005), 463 Tisanas (2006), A Neo-Penélope (2007), Obrigatório não ver (2009).