Daniel Jonas’s poetry is thematically encompassing and has a classical and, at times, visionary intertextual approach. Its language is incredibly rich, even baroque, and able to set lyrical sceneries for the most ironical profiles. He has followed a very singular path, definitely different from the most recent Portuguese poetry.
João Luís Barreto Guimarães
Daniel Jonas was born in Porto where he currently lives. He works as a teacher and besides being a poet, he is also a dramatist and a translator.
Poetry books since 2000: Moça formosa, lençóis de veludo (2002), Os fantasmas inquilinos (2005), Sonótono (2007), Passageiro Frequente (2013), Nó (2014), Oblívio (2017), Canícula (2017), Cães de chuva (2021).